Perfect Circle: Timeless Encounters Series, 2009-2014
WILLIAM C. MAXWELL  "The Perfect Circle" Perfect Circle:  Timeless Encounters Series, 2009-2014 Monoprint with Hand Coloring
Perfect Circle: Time in flux!
Monoprint with Hand Coloring
28 X 28"

Circle within the square monoprint from a plastic plate in oils on Fabriano WC paper with hand coloring. Hand coloring includes internal additions in mixed media, the basic structure for the mandala in colored pencil, and in metal leaf, the circle as a floating ellipse.

These monoprints from the series entitled Perfect Circle:  Timeless Encounters were all freely and enthusiastically drawn, painted and printed at the Robert Blackburn Printshop, now part of the Elizabeth Foundation in New York City, with the assistance and encouragement of a printmaking colleague and dear friend, Bruce Waldman.  They are controlled by adding “hand coloring” after the printing process and, as exists in all the new work, they reference the clock and/or numbers as man’s measure of time and the cosmos, juxtaposed/imposed onto the chaos of art and nature. Additionally, these perfect circle monoprints reference another “perfect circle,” the meditative mandala, as well as the "floating and ever present Perfect Circle" (in metallic leaf) as representative of the never achieved but always sought after Absolute.  My constant readings of Nietzsche and associated philosophers, as well as contemporary theoretical physicists, which I believe are our present day philosophers, such as Sean Carroll (From Eternity to Here), have inspired and guided these investigations.
WILLIAM C. MAXWELL  "The Perfect Circle" Perfect Circle:  Timeless Encounters Series, 2009-2014 Monoprint with Hand Coloring
Perfect Circle: A passage of time.
Monoprint with Hand Coloring
28 X 28"

Circle within the square monoprint from a plastic plate in oils on Fabriano WC paper with hand coloring. Hand coloring includes internal additions in mixed media, the basic structure for the mandala in colored pencil, and in metal leaf, the circle as a floating ellipse.

WILLIAM C. MAXWELL  "The Perfect Circle" Perfect Circle:  Timeless Encounters Series, 2009-2014 Monoprint with Hand Coloring
Perfect Circle: Slipping through my fingers!
Monoprint with Hand Coloring
28 X 28"

Circle within the square monoprint from a plastic plate in oils on Fabriano WC paper with hand coloring. Hand coloring includes internal additions in mixed media, the basic structure for the mandala in colored pencil, and in metal leaf, the circle as a floating ellipse.
WILLIAM C. MAXWELL  "The Perfect Circle" Perfect Circle:  Timeless Encounters Series, 2009-2014 Monoprint with Hand Coloring
Perfect Circle: What time is it?
Monoprint with Hand Coloring
28 X 28"

Circle within the square monoprint from a plastic plate in oils on Fabriano WC paper with hand coloring. Hand coloring includes internal additions in mixed media, the basic structure for the mandala in colored pencil, and in metal leaf, the circle as a floating ellipse.

WILLIAM C. MAXWELL  "The Perfect Circle" Perfect Circle:  Timeless Encounters Series, 2009-2014 Monoprint with Hand Coloring
Perfect Circle: Fleeting moments . . .
Monoprint with Hand Coloring
28 X 28"

Circle within the square monoprint from a plastic plate in oils on Fabriano WC paper with hand coloring. Hand coloring includes internal additions in mixed media, the basic structure for the mandala in colored pencil, and in metal leaf, the circle as a floating ellipse.